To address the litter problem in Belmont, The Bronx, with a solution that could be replicated city-wide, the focus was on the behavioral causes of littering. Exploring why litter is prevalent in NYC involved walking around and photographing littered areas. After observing, I studied past research and created a 15-question survey, covering both quantitative and qualitative data. I then shared it with classmates and friends, who further distributed it. After analyzing survey data, personas were created, and solutions were developed. The plan involves optimizing trash can placement, redesigning them for visibility, launching an anti-littering campaign, and partnering with local businesses.
The campaign features advertisement posters tailored specifically to the local neighborhood, using catchy, relatable messages to shift public perception. These posters, combined with visually striking images, are designed to resonate with the community and encourage behavioral change. Partnerships with local businesses would further support these efforts, helping to foster a cleaner, more mindful environment.
The next consideration is the design and placement of trash cans. Most NYC trash cans are black or dark colored, making them easy for people to overlook. Past research shows that bright, colorful trash cans grab people’s attention more quickly and encourage them to use the receptacles rather than litter. In addition, placing more trash cans in strategic locations increases the likelihood that people will dispose of their trash properly instead of throwing it on the ground. Thoughtfully designed, vibrant trash cans not only stand out but also contribute to a cleaner, more inviting environment, motivating people to take part in keeping the streets and public areas litter-free.
The responses below are from a survey I conducted, where participants shared their thoughts on litter in their communities. Many noted that they had not seen any anti-litter campaigns in their area, and some admitted to littering without ever facing fines or consequences. These results highlight key insights from the survey, offering a glimpse into the perceptions and experiences surrounding littering in their neighborhoods.